Do you know a young enterpreneur

that makes something cool?

Or a kid just super excited to

learn how to create and showcase

something of their own?

We want to help

make them a BOSS.



We are a group started by kids, sponsored by grown-ups. Currently we are hosting a recurring tent at Alive in Roswell on the third Thursday of each month, and plan to add pop up events locally this year! Each month we feature local kid enterpreneurs and showcase their creations. Our goal is to give kids in our community a place to showcase something they already love to make… or encourage them to take a risk and try something new. Along the way they’ll learn valuable skills in a supportive and fun environment.



    First rule of participating is you gotta BE A KID (not just act like one). We certainly expect caregiver involvement and help in this endeavor, but our goal is for the creations to be led by Gen Alphas (basically anyone under age 18). There is NO criteria or minimum ability level. We have had everything from preschoolers showcasing handmade creations to teenagers with solid business plans already in place. We simply want to provide a space for all kids to get the support to TRY something that excites them.


    EMAIL US at UR@NOTBOSS.ME and tell us what your maker likes to make! Then we start talking dates to get you on the schedule. We strive to create a supportive environment, not a competitive one. Therefore, we don’t pair kids with other makers who make a product that’s too similar - For example, we won’t do a whole booth of jewelry makers. It’s important to know you must be able to make enough to sell, so be prepared to make a minimum of 15 (large/expensive items) to 40 (small/inexpensive items) for this event.


    When your assigned date arrives you show up with your product. We help you set up at the booth, and provide signage and display materials to make your shop shine. Caregivers are requested to assist with setup and demo. Sales are managed by each BOSS (via cash and venmo), and we are there to help you during the event. Bonus, your kiddo will get some sweet swag to show their participation, and help them market!




APRIL 20 | MAY 18 | JUNE 15 | JULY 20 | AUGUST 17 | SEPTEMBER 21 | OCTOBER 19

Q + A

WHEN DOES THIS HAPPEN? Alive in Roswell is the third Thursday of each month April through October.

Read about Alive in Roswell HERE.

WHERE IS THE TENT? You can find us at 977 Canton Street, in the parking lot of Spirited Boutiques. Look for our aqua shirts!

HOW DO WE APPLY? If your young boss is interested in joining us in the future, please send an email with a pic of their creations to There’s no criteria to apply, your kid just has to make something that excites them. We’ll help with the rest!

WHAT DO WE BRING? Your kiddo and their creation! We provide signage for your BOSS’s name, along with a variety of display materials to help. If there’s anything specific you want, just ask.

WHAT DO WE GET? We request a voluntary donation of $35 for each participant. (However, if any of our maker caregivers are not financially able to donate, we will never let that prevent someone for participating). Your maker gets a sweet shirt, tattoos, and business cards they can hand out to show their participation.

WHAT HAPPENS AT THE EVENT? We assist with setting up your storefront, which is typically a table space about 3’x2’. Additional items for sale can be stored underneath your half of the table. We encourage kid bosses to come with water and a snack. During the event we hand out swag and encourage people to come on in and check out the tent. We’re there to help you with your pitch on your products, talk to customers, and make sales. BOSSES take sales directly via cash or venmo.

HOW DID YOU COME UP WITH THE NAME? All credit goes to our son Nolan, who said all of our suggested names were ‘Absolute crap guys’, and when we asked him to come up with something better, he did so right on the spot. Thanks Nole!

Contact us.

Find us at Alive in Roswell, 977 Canton St